History of the Holocaust
History of the Holocaust is a study of the time period of mass extermination of the Jewish race during pre-World War II until the end of Nazi domination of Europe. Students are required to read four textbooks that relate to teenagers who experience the Holocaust during this time period. http://www.ushmm.org/ United State Holocaust Memorial Museum http://www.holocaust-history.org/ http://www.yad-vashem.org.il/ The Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance http://history1900s.about.com/library/holocaust/blholocaust.htm http://www.interlog.com/~mighty/ Women and the Holocaust http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/Holocaust/holhome.html Literature of the Holocaust http://www.holocaustsurvivors.org/ Holocaust Survivors http://www.holocaustcenter.org/ Holocaust Memorial Center
Required Reading for this class include the following four books: IN THE CAMPS: Teens Who Survived the Concentration Camps THE HIDDEN CHILDREN OF THE HOLOCAUST: Teens Who Hid from the Nazis ESCAPE: Teens Who Escaped the Holocaust to Freedom RESISTANCE: Teen Partisans and Resisters Who Fought Nazi Tyranny It is required that you write a book report on each of these books.